Creates a reference to a COM object from the given classname.
ObjCreate ( "classname" [, "servername" [,"username", ["password"]]] )
Classname | The class of the object in the following format: "appname.objectype" |
Servername | Optional name of a remote computer from which the object must be obtained. |
Username | Optional name of a usercode on the remote computer You have to enter this in the format "computer\usercode" or "domain\usercode". |
Password | Optional password for the usercode on the remote computer. |
Return Value
Success: | Returns an object. |
Failure: | Returns 0 and sets @error to 1. |
Use ObjCreate() if you want to have a new instance of the referring application.
GUICtrlCreateObj, IsObj, ObjEvent, ObjGet, ObjName
; Example 1
; Counting the number of open shell windows
$oShell = ObjCreate("shell.application") ; Get the Windows Shell Object
$oShellWindows=$ ; Get the collection of open shell Windows
if Isobj($oShellWindows) then
$string="" ; String for displaying purposes
for $Window in $oShellWindows ; Count all existing shell windows
$String = $String & $Window.LocationName & @CRLF
Msgbox(0,"Shell Windows","You have the following shell windows:" & @CRLF & @CRLF & $String);
; Example 2
; Open the MediaPlayer on a REMOTE computer
$oRemoteMedia = ObjCreate("MediaPlayer.MediaPlayer.1","name-of-remote-computer")
If not @error then
Msgbox(0,"Remote ObjCreate Test","ObjCreate() of a remote Mediaplayer Object successful !")
$oRemoteMedia.Open( @WindowsDir & "\media\Windows XP Startup.wav") ; Play sound if file is present
Msgbox(0,"Remote ObjCreate Test","Failed to open remote Object. Error code: " & hex(@error,8))